Exercises | Diet | Bleeding
"Participation in regular physical activity and reduced sedentary time is highly recommended in order to reduce the prevalence of hyperuricemia".
Conclusion Paper Park et.al.

We Live Wrong
We are meant to be Cavemen
Cavemen did not have Gout
"If we could give every individual the right amount of nourishment and exercise,
not too little and not too much,
we would have found the safest way to health."
The problem is that we are not cavemen anymore.
The organs and metabolism of cavemen (and ours) are "designed" for a lot of "action", to supply lots of energy to the body.
Cavemen had to hunt, run, and fight to survive.
They had a very tough life.
Their organs and metabolism were optimal for:
Exercising a lot
Losing blood
Poor nutrition intake
Thanks to the cavemen, our metabolism and organs today are"over-designed".
We don't burn lots of energy, and we don't need to store much energy anymore.
We have a daily high-calorie intake
Our organs have to compensate for blood losses no more.

What Can We Learn From The Caveman
Exercise For Restoring Health
It is difficult today to live like a Cavemen, go fighting with bears and smilodons, kill neighbors and steal their women.
The solution is having an Active Life, Exercise, do lots of Sports, burn calories.
Diet For Restoring Health
Often modern humans, can not exercise every day for sufficient time, and the excess calories can not be burned. Resulting in possible Gout and its related conditions; Hypertension, Diabetes, Endothelial dysfunction, Metabolic Syndrome, Obesity, and Gout.
The solution is having less Carbohydrate intake, a well balanced low carbohydrate diet.
Bleeding For Restoring Health
Women before their menopause do rarely get gout, after menopause they get gout in the same ratio as men.
Our Liver and Spleen are "designed", to compensate for regular blood losses.
Modern Men, or Women after menopause, do not have regular blood losses anymore.
The solution is medicinal bleeding, and extract stagnant, black blood.
In the ancient world and medieval Europe, bloodletting became the standard treatment for various conditions, but especially for Gout!
I asked Prof. dr. Rojas during a Traditional Mexican Medicine course why Women normally were not allowed to have
traditional Temazcal Treatments.
(In ancient Mesoamerica, Temazcal treatments were used as part of a curative ceremony to purify the body, healing the sick, improving health, recuperation condition after a battle.)
His answer: "They don't need it, they menstruate."

Move your Body
but with Caution!
You need to take extra precautions when exercises while gout flares up.
Exercising is good for overall health and also for preventing gout attacks, but a gout patient needs to put restrictions on joint movements and especially joint loads.
Swimming, as well as water aerobics, is good for Gout patients, it increases the mobility of joints without putting the full impact of gravity on them.
During swimming for gout relief, how fast you swim or how much distance do you cover doesn’t matter.
You don't need to power swim.
The Important thing is how much time you spend in the water, moving.
At the beginning of a full program, we start with only a few minutes (depending on the individual), and then gradually increase your time up to an hour per day at the end of the Program.
Exercises Causes
Lymphatic System Activation
The Lymphatic system does not have a pump like the cardiovascular system (the heart.)
The key is to understand that the lymph only moves through cyclic muscle activation, and not on its own.
So you have to shake it if you want to stay healthy!
Advantages of exercising due to Lymphatic System Activation
Stimulate lymph flow
Draining wastes and Uric Acid
Helping to avoid gout flare-ups
When a gout flare-up subsides, you can begin to increase exercising to regaining strength gradually.
Because the physical load on joints can provoke a gout attack, we recommend swimming as preferential exercise.
Even slow swimming activates the lymphatic system and does not create local physical loads on joints.
Even with a gout attack, you can swim slowly.
While taken utmost precaution, because you certainly do not want to make the pain of your joints get worsened by the movements during swimming.
Sport (moving), activating lymphatic flow, is an basic Uric Acid evacuation treatment.